Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Are you in great shape or peaking to early?

With the beginning of march, comes the start of a new track season. This brings excitement and anxiety to most competitive runners because its time to test how well your winter training went. For some its a kick in the butt to realize how out of shape you really are and for others to realize that you are in perfect fitness.

Now the question that runners ask is are you really in great shape for the start of a new season or are you just "peaking" at a time where no one wants to peak.
Its one of the hardest tasks for a runner to time your training just right where the highest level of fitness you reach is at the end of the season where you would wish to hit your best mark. The fear is going into the beginning of march and hitting a great PR that you cannot reach later in championship races. Every runner hates looking at the results of championship races and noticing the winning times are the same as your times that were run back in march.

So my advice is not to stress and overwork at the beginning of the season. I am certainly not saying it is bad to run fast in the beginning of march, but I'm saying to run and train how one wise old runner (my dad and running mentor) used to tell me, be "relaxed but fast".

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